Total Healing at 36

Hello followers,

Today I reached 36 years of life….and guess what someone who should be very dear to me didn’t even pick up the phone to call me….BUT, this time I was not surprised nor did it effect my mood or my day.

When you allow God to truly heal you, what people do or don’t do doesn’t effect you. I once told this person before in order for me to move forward that I have no expectations of them & me going on to celebrate my day without being disappointed, let’s me know that God has truly delivered me.

I will no longer live my life waiting for others who should but don’t to celebrate me….I choose to live my life enjoying the people that do love me.

Remember, healing is a process & although I am sure that I still have to allow God to complete the work, it gives me joy that I am no longer bound to the spirit of rejection….healed because God loves me that much…what an amazing gift. Happy birthday to me!!, the 

8 thoughts on “Total Healing at 36

  1. Happy Birthday again beautiful! I love you very much and grateful for God’s healing power, it makes all the difference. & I appreciate you being an example and showing a Lil country gal like myself how to be a REAL FIGHTER!!!!

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  2. You are an inspiration & I am grateful that our paths crossed at the women’s conference in Greenville that weekend!! Your smile, bubbly spirit & sweet personality give me LIFE!!! Lol!! Thank you for being you!

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